sábado, 21 setembro, 2024
Aquela MúsicaMusicasNine Out Of Ten

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Nine Out Of Ten

Caetano Veloso

Escute Este Som e Veja a Letra

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Walk down Portobello road to the sound of reggae
I’m alive
The age of gold, yes the age of
The age of old, the age of gold
The age of music is past

I hear them talk as I walk
Yes, I hear them talk
I hear they say
Expect the final blast

Walk down Portobello road to the sound of reggae
I’m alive
I’m alive and vivo muito vivo, vivo, vivo
Feel the sound of music banging in my belly, belly, belly, belly
Know that one day I must die

I’m alive
And I know that one day I must die
I’m alive
Yes, I know that one day I must die
I’m alive

I’m alive and vivo muito vivo, vivo, vivo
In the eletric cinema or on the telly, telly, telly, telly
Nine out of ten movie stars make me cry

I’m alive
And nine out of ten movie stars make me cry
I’m alive
Nine out of ten movies stars make me cry

I’m alive
Nine out of ten films stars make me cry
I’m alive
Nine out of ten movie stars make me cry
I’m alive


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