sábado, 21 setembro, 2024
Aquela MúsicaMusicasBridges (Travessia)

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Bridges (Travessia)

Fernando Brant/Milton Nascimento

Escute Este Som e Veja a Letra

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I have crossed a thousand bridges
In my search for something real
There were great suspension brigdes
Made like spider webs of steel
There were tiny wooden trestles
And there were bridges made of stone
I have always been a stranger
And I’ve always been alone

Vou seguindo pela vida
Me esquecendo de você
Eu não quero mais a morte,
Tenho muito que viver
Vou querer amar de novo
E se não der não vou sofrer
Já não sonho, hoje faço
Com meu braço o meu viver

There’s a bridge to tomorrow
There’s a bridge from the past
There’s a bridge made of sorrow
That I pray will not last
There’s a bridge made of colors
In the sky high above
And I think that there must be
Bridges made out of love

I can see her in the distance
On the river’s other shore
And her hands reach out longing
As my own have done before
And I call across to tell her
Where I believe the bridge must lie
And I’ll find it, yes I’ll find it
If I search until I die

When the bridge is between us
We’ll have nothing to say
We will run through the sun light
And I’ll meet her halfway
There’s a bridge made of colors
In the sky high above
And I’m certain that somewhere
There’s a bridge made of love


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