sábado, 21 setembro, 2024
Aquela MúsicaMusicasLost in the Paradise

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Lost in the Paradise

Caetano Veloso

Escute Este Som e Veja a Letra

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My little grasshopper
Airplane cannot fly very high
I find you so far from my side
I’m lost in my old in my own green light

Don’t help me, my love
My brother, my girl
Just tell her name
Just let me say who am I

Her big white plastic finger
Surrounds my dark green hair,
But it’s not your unknown right hand
But it’s not your unknown right hand

Oh, don’t help me, my love
My brother, my girl
Just tell her name
Just let me say who am I

I am the sun, the darkness,
My name is green wave death, salt
South America’s my name
World is my name, my size
And honor my name
Hear my

My little grasshopper airplane
Cannot fly very high

Oh, don’t help me, my love
My brother, my girl
Just tell her name
Just let me say who am I


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